6 Interactive Things to Do in Seattle | A SightDOING Travel Guide

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If you’re planning a trip to Washington, you probably already know about the most popular things to do in Seattle. The city has a lot of worthy attractions, ranging from museums to gold rush history to the spectacular Space Needle. While you shouldn’t skip these on your vacation, what if you want to get more involved? Along with your other events, add these sightDOING activities to your Seattle itinerary.


Seattle SightDOING: Fun Things to Do in Seattle

Catch Your Own Dinner

Ivar’s salmon chowder is admittedly amazing, but for the freshest seafood you can find in Seattle, head onto the water. Anglers can try their luck on Puget Sound, where the summer is known for salmon (king, coho, and pink) and crab: a delicious combination if I ever heard one. While that’s the classic option, you can also stick to river fish like steelhead.

Let Your Inner Child Out

pinball museum seattle
Photo by Ben Grace via Trover.com

Take a time warp to as early as the 1960s with a visit to the Seattle Pinball Museum. Here, you can play on any of the game machines from the past fifty years and see if you can break a record! The gaming is a fun way to spend an afternoon before getting dinner in Chinatown, but the Americana over the years is an interesting way to follow history.

Paddleboard Past Marine Life

There are lots of places you can try standup paddleboarding in and near Seattle, but Shilshole Bay is one of the best options. Try not to break your balance concentration when a curious harbor seal comes by to check you out or when you’re distracted by sea lions, starfish, bald eagles, or even mountain views on a clear day.

Sample Local Microbrews

beer seattle
Photo by Xingyee via Trover.com

The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the country’s best craft beers, but simply sitting around in a bar won’t leave you with great travel stories.  Instead, sign up for a ride on the Cycle Saloon: a literal pub on wheels. This group tour will lead you to some of the best microbreweries in the Fremont district and you’ll meet great people along the way.

Challenge Yourself

You might get lucky with great weather in Seattle, but chances are, you’ll need a few indoor activities to add to your plans. Join a mental challenge to see if you are clever enough to complete a set of mindbenders in your allotted time. Your group will need to solve a series of puzzles and find the clues to complete the activity successfully.

Frame the Perfect Shot

kerry park seattle
Photo by Taka Soyama via Trover.com

There’s nothing wrong with seeing Seattle’s sights, but if you join a photography tour, you’ll learn how to best capture these icons. Walk past Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square, and Kerry Park (for the famous Space Needle view) and enhance your artistry with the new tips you’ve learned.

Next time you’re in Seattle, spice up your trip plans a little by incorporating sightDOING along with your standard touring activities. Because you’ll wear your wallet a little with so much fun, don’t forget to save money by booking cheap hotels in Seattle.

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