
Learning Gladiator Secrets in Rome

competitours rome gladiator tour

Just about every traveler who passes through Rome visits the Colosseum. Inside the world’s largest amphitheater, can you imagine being there with 50,000-80,000 other spectators, all watching gladiatorial contests? Standing in the midst of ancient Roman ruins, it’s possible to appreciate the city’s long history and how its earlier culture has shaped Rome into what it is […]

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Preparing for Il Carnevale di Venezia – in June!

Coordinating travel plans with special events can be one of the most enjoyable ways to experience a place.  Oktoberfest in Munich, Semana Santa in Guatemala, and the Winter Carnaval in Quebec have been incredibly fun travel memories for me.  Of course, when events come but once a year, it’s not always possible to to plan

Preparing for Il Carnevale di Venezia – in June! Read More »

“Dancing” the Tarantella in Sorrento, Italy

After shelling out hundreds of dollars on dance lessons before our wedding, my husband and I had resigned ourselves that dancing is best left to professionals or dimly lit spaces where no one can tell that we’re actually doing dance moves more commonly known as ‘the lawnmower’ or ‘the shopping cart’.  Our first night in Sorrento

“Dancing” the Tarantella in Sorrento, Italy Read More »